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with Laura Alvarez

Whether you are a teen who is having trouble finding your place in the world, or an adult who has let life beat you down, or someone who knows there is more they can contribute to this world or an elderly person at the end stage of their life, Laura Alvarez has the programs, intuition, and heart to help you through it.  


Sound Healing

Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health.


13th Octave LaHoChi

 13th Octave LaHoChi is a powerful hands on healing technique that brings in a very high frequency of light. The "La" in LaHoChi refers to the Light, Love and Wisdom coming from the Christ frequency or higher. The "Ho" means the movement of this energy, and the "Chi" is universal life force. As such, LaHoChi energy can be summarized as "healing light of the highest frequencies, filled with life force, moving with the combined intentions of spiritual and human beings to wherever it needs to go"

Angel statue

The Fearlessly Authentic Life Program

The Higher Brain Living® System is a revolutionary discovery that is transforming the way we approach healing and personal growth.

This gentle-touch technique creates a powerful surge of energy along the connective tissue of the body directly into your pre-frontal cortex, energizing and activating the largely untapped potential of the Higher Brain, opening you up to an entirely new way of living.

As your Higher Brain (prefrontal cortex) becomes energized, you’ll discover that you are good enough, worthy enough, deserving enough, connected to and a part of an accelerated experience that is free of limitation—otherwise known as ‘your new life.’ Clients report experiencing better relationships, greater financial freedom, increased work satisfaction, a healthier body and more.

But more than simply a physiological change, Higher Brain Living® offers you the methodology and insight to create a lifelong map toward limitless and meaningful personal growth.


To learn the science

behind it all click below:




Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness is still in use today and is well-known for the miracle it does in clearing negativity from one’s mind and thought.  It is believed to be designed to wipe out all the negativity in our thoughts and those blocks that are keeping us miserable.  


Crystal & Chakra Healing

Assorted Crystals
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© 2020 by Laura Alvarez Creatives.

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